Massage Therapy for YOU and Your BEST FRIEND

Massage Therapy for YOU and Your BEST FRIEND

Massage Therapy for YOU and Your BEST FRIEND
Massage can accelerate the healing process from , strains, sprains or other injuries. Sports massage can also increase flexibility. Quicken the removal of toxins, reduce muscle spasms and reduce muscle soreness.
Small Animals
Small animal massage is great for overall health, and as a part of the post surgery/injury care team. From working dogs to performance dogs to caring companions your furry friends will benefit from massage.
Injury Treatment
Massage is beneficial in helping you recover faster from injury, decrease migraine headaches, reduce back pain and decrease swelling and inflammation. Helping you return to the activities you love sooner.
Relaxation Massage
A simple 60 minute massage has a tremendous effect on the body by decreasing stress and anxiety, increasing blood flow, stimulating and enhancing immunity and increasing sleep quality.
Now offering Herbal wellness!!
Livingwell bodywork’s is expanding! We are adding Herbal goodness such as teas and salves for purchase. Herbal consultations are also available! Please inquire for further details about our products or to schedule your consultation. 🙂 I am excited to add one more piece to help on your path to wellness.
Welcome to Livingwell Bodyworks
Livingwell Bodyworks is committed to providing excellence in massage treatment for all clientele from relaxation to injury treatment. We believe in the importance of regular massage for your overall health and well being.
With massage we can; reduce your pain and muscle soreness, enhance immunity, improve sleep quality, ease pregnancy, Increase joint flexibility, improve performance and decrease scar tissue/swelling post surgery.
Check out our rates and special packaged deals!
Check out our rates and special packaged deals!

“If you want a massage that includes individualized attention to your bodies needs, then look no further, Melissa is your gal! Her massage treatments blend advanced knowledge of injury and rehabilitation with her pasion for wellness. Melissa “walks her talk ” and it comes through in her work. Her personal commitment to her own health and wellness through athletics makes her a truly unique massage therapist.”
“I would consider myself both an athlete, and recreational exerciser. I have received many massages from multiple practitioners. I can say that hands down, Melissa has by far provided me with the most consistent relief not only from my activities and sports, but also because I live with some level of pain on a daily basis because I have herniated discs in my neck. She provides me with minimal stretches and exercises that prove to be very beneficial in pain management. I can’t think on another person I would rather have working with me and keeping me healthy and mobile.”
I have an elderly Boxer/lab mix that Mel has worked on several times that has a hip and leg issue. Our sweet Zoey lost both her best doggie friend and her favorite human all in a span of 6 months. This left her depressed and lonely, and anxiety ridden when she is left alone during the day while our family goes off to work and school. On the first treatment Zoey was quite confused as to why this wonderful woman would come to the house and massage her, but she didn’t argue a bit, and was visibly pleased. We noticed right away that the day following her massages she was moving about with ease and was actually her old playful self, wanting to romp and jump and play. Mel’s massages have helped Zoey both emotionally and physically. Mel is very gentle and pays close attention to how Zoey responds to her touch and then responds accordingly. I highly recommend Melissa for your pet’s massage, she is magnificent!